
Trey was born on June 24, 2011 and was diagnosed with ALCAPA, a very rare congenital heart defect, on September 12, 2011. This is the story of our journey.
Please feel free to email me (Randi) if you have any questions or comments: treyheart@gmail.com
Please excuse any misspellings or grammatical mistakes. I'm usually writing from the hospital on my netbook while my mind is just running....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 9 - 7:30 pm

I just realized that we are exactly 1 week post op!  Wow - time has gone so fast.  It's amazing how I feel like I've spent forever and a day here already and it's even hard to even remember last week yet at the same time I can't believe we're already a week since surgery!  It feels like so long ago yet just the other day at the same time.

Only about 51 more weeks (give or take 20) until we know about how much his heart has recovered....  this is definitely going to be a long road but doable.  One week down....

The night nurse, Stephanie, just came on and she just let me know that she also has another patient tonight.  Wow, hrm... it's nice to know that they feel he's recovering enough to share a nurse but that also means that he no longer has a nurse just to himself.  She'll have to go back and forth between 2 different rooms.  Kind of heard to digest.

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